Hey guys!!
So college sucks... it's taking up all of my time, even on the best of weeks. Art school, especially with the classes I have right now, requires CONSTANT attention and CONSISTENTLY RIDICULOUSLY high effort, so my progress in animating have been very little more than a few frames since the start of January. So I think it's time to do some prioritizing.
I've been waiting to do a project for a while, but it's kind of being held up by the Neodex series. It was meant to start introducing the various creatures I call Neo-Earthlings to give people some sort of sense of what's going on, and a general intro to what I want to make a long-term indie franchise, but frankly, I could just do it in other ways. On top of drawing and composing, I'm also a writer, so I should be able to accommodate to new developments like this.
With that said, I'm still working on SOME of the other animations, as I still want to get those done, but the Neodex itself is the real target, since it was meant to span for a good amount of time. It's not necessarily going away though, I'm just going to reduce it to bumpers in future mid-episode breaks, because there's still a lot to learn about Neos! This just makes it more breezy and less in-your-face, though, as they aren't *all* as complicated as an actual Pokemon, the franchise the Neodex got its inspiration from, and are more like Kirby enemies instead.
With that said, I'm hoping to get out animations late this year or early next year. So stay tuned—college is hard but my ambition is still high as ever!